
Scalaz (Scar-lah-zed) is a library written in the Scala Programming Language. One mandate of the library is to depend only on the core Scala API and the core Java 2 Standard Edition API. The intention of Scalaz is to include general functions that are not currently available in the core Scala API. Scalaz is released under a BSD open source licence making it compatible with the licence of the Scala project.

ということで、Scala向けのライブラリセットのようですが、初めて知りました。version 4に向けての作業が進んでいる、ように見えます。

* scalaz.http

Data structures for writing web applications (based on the slinky prototype)

* scalaz.database

Data structures for JDBC

* scalaz.parser

Data structures for parsing

* scalaz.geo

Libraries for geographic calculations

* scalaz.concurrent

An implementation of actors for concurrency

* scalaz.memo

A library for automatic memoisation of computations
